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— Dame Patricia Routledge
— Marin Alsop, conductor
— BBC Music Magazine
A message from Gaspard’s illustrator, James Mayhew
The composer, Jonathan Dove, takes a bow
Philharmonic Hall
Gaspard’s Foxtrot and Gaspard’s Christmas are also exciting concert works, narrated live by Zeb Soanes with a thrilling orchestral score by Jonathan Dove, brought-to-life by James Mayhew’s beautiful illustrations.
Filming Gaspard’s Foxtrot with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Gaspard’s Foxtrot at London’s Southbank Centre
Children with Gaspard masks at Foxhill Primary
Audience enjoying the live Gaspard Audiobooks
Zeb and James signing copies of Gaspard Best in Show
You can now listen to the musical tale of Gaspard’s Foxtrot, read by Zeb Soanes, accompanied by Jonathan Dove’s exciting score performed by the Philharmonia Orchestra.
The Royal Scottish National Orchestra release the single Christmas is Here from Gaspard’s Christmas.
Through a magical Christmas tale, Gaspard’s Christmas gently introduces children to the problem of homelessness.
Gaspard’s Christmas is named ‘Best Charity Book’ in The Independent’s 11 best Christmas books for children 2022
Inspired by J.M. Barrie’s generosity, Zeb announces that royalties from the sale of Gaspard’s Christmas will benefit St Martin-in-the-Fields homeless charity in perpetuity.
A behind the scenes look at Gaspard's Foxtrot, the concert experience for school children which has been watched by over 92,000 children across Scotland.
Gaspard the Fox is a question to challenge the last four of this year's semi-finalists in BBC Radio 4’s general knowledge contest, chaired by Russell Davies.
We’re delighted to be one of Hatchards of Piccadilly’s recommended picture books for half term.
‘A sweet tale which is as much a love letter to London as it is a nod to the Proms with lots of fascinating detail and charming illustrations by James Mayhew.’
See the real Gaspard in this BBC News video
Cleo Sylvestre, the actor who inspired the character of Honey in the Gaspard the Fox stories, has sadly died, aged 79. Zeb fondly remembers his 'Hackney Mum.'